
Reach Dr Arihant Surana for all your hair transplant queries and procedure details at Dr Surana was associated with Alvi Armani USA from 2012 till 2020 as medical Director and Chief hair transplant surgeon. Dr Arihant Surana is now medical Director and Chief hair transplant surgeon at Monaris Hair […]

How many grafts I need……..

How many grafts I need……..

This is the most common question I hear from my patients now a days. If I say 3500 grafts the next question is the clinic A has said me 2000, clinic D has said me 3000 hairs(1500 grafts) and clinic C has said me 2500.Why there is so much variation? […]

Is CHOI Implanter really a useful instrument

Is CHOI Implanter really a useful instrument

 Is CHOI Implanter really a useful instrument    CHOI implanter is a small instrument used for hair transplant by few people around the world. I decided to try and see is it really a great instrument. The device was a small pen with18 or 19 gauge needle fixed in the […]


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