FAQ Regarding Hair Transplant
1. Can I do hair transplant without cut ,stitches or scar..?? Yes. Now there is no need for any cut stitches and scars for hair transplant. Newer techniques have made it possible to get transplant done without stitches. This technique is FUE. 2. Transplant cost is so variable between different […]

Young, urban customers feeding the growth of hair transplant clinics
New Delhi/Mumbai/Bangalore: Shane Warne has done it. So has Michael Vaughan. And, closer home, Virender Sehwag. So, it was no surprise that Sahil Madan, now 28, decided, to do something about his receding hairline. He spent Rs.81,000 for the treatment and says he is satisfied with the result. Customers such as Madan—young, urban, well-heeled […]

Treating Different types of hair loss
Hair loss can often be a traumatic experience leading to depression and low self-esteem among women. But are you aware of the types of hair loss, their causes and treatment options? Here’s a guide to different types of hair loss and how to treat them. Types of hair loss Androgenetic Alopecia: This is by far the most […]