3634 Grafts Zone 1,2 and 3- FUE Hair transplant at Monaris Hair Clinic

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3634 Grafts Zone 1,2 and 3- FUE Hair transplant at Monaris Hair Clinic

madhav Vashith

Above patient has undergone hair transplant single session single day 3634 Grafts.The above results are post 9 months.With alviarmani specialized instruments upto 5000 Grafts can be done in single day.Where most FUE has 20% or more Transaction rate (Graft cut or damage during extraction) Alvi Armani’s latest research in FUE and  instrumentation has brought it down to near Zero.As a result more and more grafts can be extracted and implanted in single day.Most of the hair transplant clinics in India do 3000 grafts in 2 days which is not medically recommended and patients has to under go twice the trauma of anesthesia and whole procedure wasting time and money.Call us at +919818642643 or write at drsurana@alviarmani.in  to know more .

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