Autologous Hair Transplant – (AHT) at Monaris Hair Clinic

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Autologous Hair Transplant - (AHT) at Monaris Hair Clinic


What is AHT technique for hair transplant


Autologous Hair Transplant – (AHT) at Monaris Hair Clinic

Introducing Autologous Hair Transplant at Monaris enriched with AGF and follicle Boosters. After DHI, DHT, and FUE here comes the latest AHT. AHT has the specific advantage of getting high density and faster growth. After introducing DHI in 2008 in Delhi and Alvi Armani in 2012 Dr. Arihant Surana is now launching the AHT technique in India. This technique and method of hair transplant is going to revolutionize the way hair transplants are done in India. With faster single day transplants and overnight healing of donor area, patients can see faster results and robust dense growth with single-day procedures.


Where FUE (follicular unit extraction) is a technique of extraction and DHI ( Direct Hair Implantation) is a technique of implantation by using Choi implanter AHT is a perfect technique for Extraction, design, and density, and Implantation.

What’s the difference between FUE, DHI, DHT, and AHT

Old or Latest Oldest Old Very old Latest
Extraction With Motor With Motor Manual Manual+Motor
Extraction Done by Technician Technician Doctor Only Doctor
No.of Grafts per day 2500 2000-2500 1500-2000 4000
Transaction 20% 20% 10-20% 2-5%
Graft preserved in Saline/RL Saline/RL Saline/RL Growth Factors
Graft processing No No No Yes
Graft Counting No No No Yes
Graft Separation No No No yes
Graft storage Fridge Fridge Fridge Room temperature
Graft Quality Ok Ok Ok Excellent
Graft Survival Good Avg Avg Best
Implantation Forceps Forceps Choi Implanter No-touch technique
Implantation done by Technicians technicians technicians Doctor + Technicians
Density Low Average Average High
Graft placement Random Random ( Slits made before extraction) Random Placed as per design
Technique Good for extraction Name copied from DHI Technique of Implantation The complete technique for extraction plus implantation
Results Good Ok Ok Best
Speed Slow slow very slow Good
Days req for 4000 Grafts 2 2 2-3days 1
Post Procedure
Healing 3 days 3 days 3 days 1-2 days
Bandage removal 2-3 days 2-3 days 3 days Next Day
Complication Rare Rare Rare Rare
Medication Minoxidil+finasteride Minoxidil+finasteride Minox+ Finas Minoxidil+finasteride (optional)
About Method Most basic and old HT technique Started as a copy of DHI. Now Choi implanter not used Old technique. Slow extraction and Implantation. Low-density transplant High Density, Can be done by main Doctor Only, Successful results, body hair not required, one day sessions.


Why AHT is better than other techniques

AHT technique ensures that the main surgeon of the clinic is involved in hair transplants. Autologous hair transplant is the ideal name for any hair transplant as FUE and DHI are just a technique for extraction and Implantation. They are not complete transplant. AHT hair transplant technique ensures that your hair is grafted in the perfect design and not placed randomly. Like in other techniques such as FUE and DHT follicles are implanted randomly without separating them into single doubles and triples. With randomly placed hairs its not possible to create perfect hair line (usually contains single hair follicle), high density (with multiple hair follicle). DHT involves directly transferring the hair to the scalp as soon as its extracted. AHT gives far superior density and design not possible with any basic technique.

Graft Preservation

In AHT Grafts are preserved in special growth factor preparations in place of saline or ringer lactate. This improves the survival rate of grafts and better regrowth. When Implanted grafts are taken up much faster compared to other techniques.


AHT technique is much faster as compared to FUE hair transplant techniques. The entire procedures from extraction and Implantation can be done in a single day compared to 2-3 days in other FUE and DHT. With AHT technique 4000 grafts can be extracted and Implanted in 6-8 hours compared to 2 days procedure in other techniques. This saves time of surgery. two days of anesthesia Injections and a longer healing period.


No bandage is required from Day 1 of the surgery. Normal shampoo can be done on the next day of surgery. In most hair transplants it takes 2-3 days to remove the bandage. There is no pain during and post the transplant. So no pain killers are given before, during and after the surgery in AHT technique.

Get your AHT Hair transplant Exclusively at Monaris

Monaris Hair clinic offers all hair transplant techniques. You have to decide what’s best for you. You also have an option to consult our surgeon for knowing which technique is best for you and why you should do it.

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