Let me give you a surprise….THERE IS NO ROBOT FOR HAIR TRANSPLANT IN INDIA what prompted me to write this article is when i saw a big ad in Indian news paper about ROBOTIC HAIR TRANSPLANT.I tried to find out then came to know that this is the same company […]
Hai Doctor,
i am 25 yrs old and i am loosing my hair i would like to know what will be the cost for hairtransplant. and i lost 60% of my hair now .Do i have to wait or can i go for hair transplantation now?
You can go for hair transplant if you have lost significant hair. Pls send your photos on mobile by what’s app +919899049300 or mail them at drsurana@alviarmani.in
Hai Doctor,
i am 25 yrs old and i am loosing my hair i would like to know what will be the cost for hairtransplant. and i lost 65% of my hair now .Do i have to wait or can i go for hair transplantation now?
My mobile number +917287877804
Hello, Sir I have lost my 70% hair.
I’m just 22 year old
I want tranceplanet in future so plz tell me
how many rupee will spend.
I’m belong a poor family
No we don’t have clinic in chennai. For outstation patients we provide complimentry travel and stay in delhi. ALVI armani to have best quality transplant have only one clinic in any country where all the worlds best technology is used. We have one clinic in USA,Canada Argentina ,London etc.
No we don’t have Center in chennai. Our surgical Center is located in newdelhi. Pls call us at +919818642643 to know more details. We provide complete travel and stay facility for our outstation clients.
I have lost hair and using minoxdile product but not very useful for me I want hair trnsplant… How much cost for 3000 grafts
Pls contact Alvi Armani team at 9818642643. You can also send your photos at drsurana@alviarmani.in for further details
what is an ideal age for hair transplant???
There is no age bar. The best time is to do when you loose hair.still its advised to wait till 23 before really going for transplant.
I am loosing my hair and i am 23…
I have low density of hair and i want to be recreate my hairline
Please send your photos at drsurana@alviarmani.in or what’s app it at 9899049300.please mention your mobile number and city
I have lost almost hair from back and i am 30 yrs old. I want to hair transplant. How much cost for it. I live in Delhi. Respond it sir….
Please call 9818-642-643 or what’s app your photos at 9899049300 to get all the details
Hai Doctor,
i am 25 yrs old and i am loosing my hair i would like to know what will be the cost for hairtransplant. and i lost 60% of my hair now .Do i have to wait or can i go for hair transplantation now?
You can go for hair transplant if you have lost significant hair. Pls send your photos on mobile by what’s app +919899049300 or mail them at drsurana@alviarmani.in
Hai Doctor,
i am 25 yrs old and i am loosing my hair i would like to know what will be the cost for hairtransplant. and i lost 65% of my hair now .Do i have to wait or can i go for hair transplantation now?
My mobile number +917287877804
Dear Sanjay ,
Will get in touch with you today sometime. In the meantime pls send me you photos of scalp on what’s app or mail .Mobile number is +919899049300
Hello, Sir I have lost my 70% hair.
I’m just 22 year old
I want tranceplanet in future so plz tell me
how many rupee will spend.
I’m belong a poor family
Pls send your photos by what’s app at +919899049300
Sir do u have any Hair transplant facilities at Chennai.
I need 3000 to 4000 grafts can you Pl suggest.
I am 31 year old.
No we don’t have clinic in chennai. For outstation patients we provide complimentry travel and stay in delhi. ALVI armani to have best quality transplant have only one clinic in any country where all the worlds best technology is used. We have one clinic in USA,Canada Argentina ,London etc.
Feel free to call us on 9918642643 to get more details.
No we don’t have Center in chennai. Our surgical Center is located in newdelhi. Pls call us at +919818642643 to know more details. We provide complete travel and stay facility for our outstation clients.
Sir it’s me abhishek, have been approximately bald, n may I consult with u
Pls send your mobile number on drsurana@alviarmani.in and I will get in touch with you.
Sir,,,Is it safe near future ?
Yes. It’s safe.
Per graft how much..sir
Pls call us at 8800498637