GFC Hair Loss Treatment

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GFC Hair Loss Treatment

 GFC ( Growth Factor concentrate) Therapy for Hair Loss at Monaris Hair clinic

Monaris skin and Hair clinic recently introduced Growth factor concentrate (GFC) treatment to fight hair loss. GFC is the latest and most advanced treatment to treat early hair loss in patients. Where the world is doing PRP for hair loss till now growth factor concentrate will be soon taking over all PRP treatments in India and the world.

GFC Contains a proprietary platelet activator in the specialized kit to release growth factors from alpha granules of platelets into GFC. Various highly specific growth factors present in GFC plays an active role to stop hair loss.

 How GFC Works                           

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 What are the Advantages of GFC treatment 


Benefits of GFC treatment
GFC treatment benefits


Who can take GFC Therapy

Anybody facing hair loss in early stages and late stages depending on the advice from your Doctor will be fit to take GFC therapy. GFC is effective in both males and females.

What is the Duration and session required

Three sessions over a period of 3 months are required initially. Followed by maintenance sessions once in 4-6 months can be done.

Results are visible from reduced hair fall increased hair thickness and hair count.GFC hair treatment is effective in male as well as female hair loss. Your hair doctor will guide you about the best hair regrowth treatment you need

What are the side effects of GFC Therapy

Since Monaris GFC is pure and does not contain any RBCs or WBC’s risk of pain and inflammation is minimal. Patients can immediately resume normal activities after the procedure. It takes approximately one hour for the procedure.

What is the cost of GFC treatment

​GFC hair treatment cost in India varies from clinic to clinic. Patients should check their GFC treatment kit before the procedure. Hair clinics in India use standard GFC list made in India.

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Best GFC treatment is available at monaris alviarmani clinic in India with latest standardized GFC Kits.

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