New Hair Transplant Results 4000 Grafts-Dr.Arihant Surana

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New Hair Transplant Results 4000 Grafts-Dr.Arihant Surana


Everybody is not completely bald. Some people just lose density. Increasing density is more difficult as compared to hair transplants in bald scalp. Clinics and surgeons need specialized training and expertise to implant hair follicles in between existing hairs. Most of the clinics either avoid it or end up with shock loss and damage to the existing hairs. Monaris hair transplant technique and specialized advanced instruments help to safely implant grafts in between hairs. The use of growth factors helps to prevent shock loss.

Only Monaris surgeon is authorized to do hair transplant surgery in all clinics. They are specially trained to work with the finest instruments.Dr. Arihant Surana has been a pioneer in hair transplants around the world. Dr Surana is treating  patients for last 15 years for hair loss and hair regrowth.

Dr.Surana  believes in high density and natural-looking hair transplant. Monaris designs and specialized calculation for hairline design helps to get the most natural-looking hairlines in the world. With limited clinics and top FUE surgeons in any country it is ensured that every transplant is successful and meets client expectations. Know more about Dr.Arihant surana’s high density and natural hair transplant call us at 9818 642 643 or mail at can also visit

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