Hair Transplant in India

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Hair Transplant in India

 Hair has become an important part in a normal Indian male and female. As every Indian want to look fair similarly every Indian want to have beautiful thick hair. This shows from the way that Indian hair oil industry is a multibillion dollar industry. Medically whatever we can say but fact is that every Indian uses hair oil some or the other time in their life.

Indian hair transplant industry has also grown many folds in last 8 years. I remembered the days when ever hair transplant was talked about people only thought about salman khan and dubai.Things changed drastically over years. International companies set up chains and celebrities like sehwag, gautam gambhir and amit mishra openly showing and talking about hair transplant. I feel lucky see all that change happening. With the celebrity endorsing the hair transplant every Indian felt that this is real treatment for hair loss in between many magic treatments people were doing to grow their hair.

Suddenly hair transplant in India became a routine procedure and people started trusting Indian doctors and companies. Being a population 1.2 billion sometimes it was waiting of 3-6 months to get a hair transplant from the doctor of your choice.

From 2010 the unorganized hair transplant industry started getting more organized and divided into international, Indian companies and individual doctors for hair transplant. Hair transplant became the part of course in medical scools.By 2013 lot of new doctors started the hair transplant. With Strip getting less popular FUE became the procedure of choice for almost every Indian. This also shifted the hair transplant moving from the hands of plastic surgeons to dermatologist.

This industry is still growing at a rapid phase. Even doctors in smaller towns and cities are trying to get into hair transplant.

India still lacks the adequate infrastructure and research facilities in this field. Training is almost absent in this field. Lack of training facilities makes YOU TUBE and INTERNET the only learning facility. This brings extra advantage to international companies.Their investment in research, adequate infrastructure and continuous training makes them 5 years ahead in hair transplant industry.

Now I would say Indian hair transplant industry is in chaos. Everyday newspaper is filled with small and big ads with really funny new techniques for hair transplant. Patients are now confused what to do when it comes to hair transplant. Making decision is not easy. Every clinic claims themselves to be the best and latest technology despite of the fact that there is no other technique documented in medical literature other than FUT (strip) and FUE. World is still researching but in India you will see people advertising and claiming hair multiplication and hair cloning.

I feel the biggest mistake Indian patients make is not doing research. A fancy term used and brilliant sales person at the fancy clinics can sell anything. In my next articles I will also talk about the fancy term used to sell a hair transplant and how to safeguard yourself.



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