Sehwag Vs Harsha Bhogle Hair Transplant

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Sehwag Vs Harsha Bhogle Hair Transplant

img_8603 There are instances when sehwag hair transplant is compared with harsha bhogle hair transplant justifying that FUT is better then FUE.Its a stupid comparison and the reason I have mentioned below

1.Sehwag was first known patient of FUE in india and Harsha Bhogle is the last known patient of FUE in India.It means when sehwag did his hair transplant FUE was just launched in india and was in very early stages of development.From 2008-2017 its only FUE which has ruled the world.FUT was just limited to some old school doctors

2.You can’t compare results of 1500 grafts of sehwag with more then 5000 grafts of harsha bhogle.Sehwag was aware that he needs 3 sittings at that time to get good coverage but he was happy even with his first session.

3.Sehwag is a active player and harsha bhogle is not.Harsha bhogle uses hair fibre to cover his bald scalp but sehwag never uses anything.

4.Sehwag always had option to go anywhere in the world for FUT but he was well aware of FUT complications for a young active player so he never opted for it.


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