All of us look forward to celebrities when we consider for hair transplant.Its no more a secret that celebrities like salman khan,virender sehwag,amit mishra,Gautam gambhir and many more top actors have undergone hair transplant.People are always surprised what actually they look before undergoing hair transplant.Where they do hair transplant?
Do they do in India or go abroad for hair transplant.Why they choose International clinics in India to do their hair transplant.Since I have been part of many of celebriry hair transplant surgeries I had spend good time to interact with them regarding their choice of hair transplant. Some of the key points are mentioned here.
First thing any actor or cricketer looks for is the surgeon.They prefer the most experienced in their country and having a track record of doing many surgeries.Surprisingly most of them talk to their friends and do a good google search.As per them they are ready to travel anywhere in world but prefer in their country if they can find good surgeon or a international company with experienced surgeon in India. Most of the celebrities in India as I have noticed have done transplants from International companies having clinics in India.As per them India is new market in hair transplants and there are many new clinic and doctors in the field of hair transplant.Its not about to grow some hair but the looks that matters after hair transplant.”JO DIKHTA HE WO BIKTA HE”.Most of them are aware that alviarmani has a strong track record of 15 years in hair transplant and they work with only best surgeon in any country with minimum 7-8 years of experience in FUE.
Technology is the second thing which matters.There are actors who did strip procedures when FUE was not available.But now most of them have done FUE. Its simple ,have no downtime and can even be done without shaving.Most of the technology ,research and development happens in USA and we acquire it later.Few companies in world are into research of hair cloning and hair transplants.These companies regularly develop new techniques and procedures to get better and better results.The only way to get all that as a doctor is to work and continuously learn with them.At the times when only 1200-1500 grafts were possible with FUE latest alviarmani technology allows up to 5000 grafts per day.Near zero damage of follicles during extraction and implantation and results which cannot be replicated any where in world.
3.A big NO to franchise
Easy availability of investors in this field has started a trend of franchise.So one doctor sitting in metro is running 10 clinics in India.He is never available for the patients and the doctors keep on changing.Best technologies are costly and cannot be replicated in all clinics looking at price sensitive Indian community.Training of surgeons are difficult as no training is available in India and Hair Transplant surgeon has to be dedicated for his work.All Alviarmani clinics run under strict and safe medical environment and all surgeries are done by their surgeon only.
4. Our technology is always the latest
Dr.Arihant Surana was the First Doctor to bring DHI to India. He established and founded Alvi Armani India. He is the only surgeon who works with top doctors and medical groups worldwide to bring the most advanced hair transplant technology to India. He recently introduced Autologous Hair transplant (AHT) to India which will revolutionize the way hair transplant is done in India.
Hair tarnsplant
Pls send your contacts details on +918800498637 or write at drsurana@alviarmani.in