Autologous Hair Transplant – Future of Hair Transplant

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Autologous Hair Transplant - Future of Hair Transplant

What is AHT?

Why AHT is better than FUE?

Why I have not heard about AHT hair transplant?

How AHT is different from other transplants?

How will I know my result will be better with AHT?

What is AHT?

AHT or autologous Hair transplant is a technique and term coined by Dr Arihant Surana at Monaris hair clinic to define a complete hair transplant process. Autologous means derived from the same individual. Like many other terms used in medical science such as Autologous bone marrow transplant or Autologous blood transfusion, Autologous hair transplant means follicles derived from the same individual.

In past years hair transplant name was always known with the name how the follicles are extracted or Implanted. FUE and FUT were actually the methods of extraction of the hair follicle. An attempt was never made to define the complete hair transplant process. At monaris, we decided to define a complete hair transplant process that not only includes a FUE method of extraction but also the best techniques of creating slits, design and density creation and a well-defined Implantation process.

A complete hair transplant process is important for best results. Some techniques only focus on extraction processes like FUE or Bio FUE etc and some only focus on Implantation like DHI or DHT etc. None of these techniques is complete and only one part is better defined than the other. AHT makes this process complete and will soon be accepted as the world best hair transplant method.

Why AHT is better than FUE

Almost every hair transplant clinic in India extracts follicles by FUE. They use different punch sizes or different machines for follicle extraction. Designing and density creation and implantation processes are different for every clinic. As a result of this, every clinic doing FUE has different results. This means if you are getting FUE at any clinic results are unpredictable. Some clinics may have good results and some may have better results. This happens because the process is not standardized. For example in some FUE clinics, a Surgeon may extract hair follicles and in some technicians. Since the transaction rate and quality of follicles will differ in both clinics the result will differ. In AHT only the main surgeon will extract hair follicles.

Yes, you heard it right. AHT hair transplant involves the main surgeon in the entire hair transplant process from the beginning. Only Doctors will extract hair follicles, not technicians. So if the technician extracts a hair follicle it’s not AHT. AHT is a no-compromise hair transplant. Every process is well defined and the patient can easily know he or she is getting the best hair transplant. Grafts are counted under microscope and preserved in Autologous Growth factors. Grafts are separated and kept in seperate trays with each tray having singles, doubles and triple or four hair follicles. This is a important part as every follicle has a certain defined place in scalp. In most FUE and DHI process grafts are placed randomly one by one without seperation.Slits or incisions are done by main surgeon and counted using a counter. Patients can easily get involved in counting process to ensure exact number of slits made and grafts placed.

Why I have not heard about AHT hair transplant

Anything new in India in hair transplant takes time to accept. Like when Dr Surana started FUE in India in 2008 after his training in Europe hardly any clinic, Doctor or patient knew about it. Only FUT was done in India at that time. None of the doctors were ready to accept that FUE will ever be successful.Now FUE is the most used technique all over the world. Similarly its expected that in next 5 years AHT will be the most used technique and hair transplant will no longer be called FUE which is just a extraction method of hair follicles.

How AHT is different from other transplants?

Lack of transparency in hair transplant is the biggest factor which troubles patients all over the world. Surgeons leave their work to technicians or training doctors. This should never happen. If a patient has gone to a certain clinic for particular Doctor his transplant should always be done by the same Doctor. Hair transplant factories like turkey should not let patients ripped off by letting them operated by technicians. A hair transplant for somebody can be a new life. It can happen only once or twice in a lifetime. Lost grafts cannot be compensated by free session or repair hair transplant.

In AHT transparency is the key. You will be operated by main surgeon only. Training will not happen on you. For that there are top medical institutes and training centres. Every graft will be counted along with how many hairs in each graft. A trained and qualified team will work with Doctor. No surprises and hiding names of Doctor who will operate on you. We are busy but not so much that our surgeon will not meet you during your first consultation. Marketing consultants will not decide how many grafts you require.

Your cost of hair transplant will be transparent and fixed. You don’t have to pay for PRP GFC or special shampoos after the procedure for next one year. All will be told to you before hand.

Monaris hair clinic and Dr Arihant Surana feels you should get the most transparent and best hair transplant in India. You will be given enough time by appointment to ask all your queries. All follow ups will be free for next one year after transplant.

How will I know my result will be better with AHT?

Our Doctor will advice you what you can expect from your hair transplant. There is 100% satisfaction rate with our hair transplant. We have same Doctor and team of technicians working on every patient for last 9 years. Till date every follicle from every scalp is extracted by Dr Arihant Surana. We are one of the few clinics in world with consistent results.





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