Hair Transplant in Delhi – Monaris AHT hair transplant is the first choice

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Hair Transplant in Delhi - Monaris AHT hair transplant is the first choice

Monaris Hair Transplant – Trusted by young Celebrities

Young and Famous – Trust Monaris

When it comes to the first hair transplant the young and famous prefer monaris hair clinic. Whether its celebrity or a common person monaris hair clinic offers world-class hair transplant surgery for everyone. Monaris and Dr Arihant Surana’s track record of giving excellent results in the first session has been proven perfectly in the last 15 years. Monaris hair transplant clinic in Delhi is known worldwide for amazing results.

Hair transplant by the best surgeon in India – Choose Monaris

At monaris hair

Harshal Patel
Monaris hair transplant results

clinic is the major part of the transplant is done by the main surgeon only. Every follicle is extracted by Dr.Arihant Surana himself. Most hair transplant clinics in Delhi assign technicians to do extraction to save cost and time. At monaris, we believe technicians extracting the follicle can compromise results by up to 20%. Monaris clinic and its team have been working with top global doctors and companies for the last 10 years. Monaris is one of the most globally recognized hair transplant clinics in India.

Latest Hair Transplant technique – AHT Hair Transplant

With the newer development and advancement in hair transplant procedures, we have introduced AHT hair transplant in India. AHT offers big single-day sessions without using low-quality beard and body hairs. AHT technique ensures the entire transplant is done by the main surgeon only resulting in much better hair transplant results. In AHT grafts are not stored in normal saline or Ringer Lactate. They are preserved is special growth factors which are like your own blood.

Design and Density – Choose Monaris Hair clinic

Monaris and its team have been giving dense and beautiful designs to your hair transplant unheard of in India. we truly believe every graft placement and its angle is important in a hair transplant. Most clinics may be good at growing hair but we believe that hair that grows on your scalp should also be perfectly designed to give the most natural results. Every graft which is extracted should be placed at a specific angle and position on your scalp. Older techniques where grafts are implanted randomly or extracted and implanted immediately have failed to focus on the design element of hair transplant. A well-designed hair transplant can look more dense and natural compared to a procedure where grafts are implanted without separation.

Proud to be trusted by top celebrities in India

We believe in real results and real hair transplant procedures. We just do not click photos with celebrities and plant them on our websites. All celebrities you will find with us are real patients who have taken hair transplant procedures themselves and are satisfied. They and many more celebrities we cannot disclose are real patients of Dr Arihant Surana and Monaris. Monaris is one of the most trusted hair clinics in India for best hair transplant results.

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