Have you actually got the grafts you paid for?

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Have you actually got the grafts you paid for?


I want 6000 grafts…….? Its common to hear from patients that they want maximum grafts in one sitting and some clinic has promised to do that.But how many clinics actually do even 3000 grafts in one day is questionable.Since patients pay per graft so most of the time they don’t even know how many grafts has been done.After a year of surgery they feel that its not the graft as clinic has promised.But its important that you should know that actually how many grafts has been done.

Most clinics themselves don’t count the grafts.Its always approximate.Counting of grafts need adequate microscopes and team.Clinics working with one or two staff will never count the grafts.

When extraction is done there can be grafts which are transacted and are broken.They should not be in the count you pay for.You should pay only for the healthy grafts.Implanting transacted grafts will not give any results and will be waste.Choosing a experienced doctor,latest technology and ensuring the surgeon you went for only does the entire extraction.

Do not negotiate hard.You may feel you have done good job but that can let clinics reduce the number of actual grafts.As most of the patients are unaware of the intricacies  of the hair transplant its easy for the clinics to reduce cost.

Last but not the least do not believe in the numbers like 6000 or 8000 grafts in FUE in single session.No where in the world its done.A good 4000 grafts may consume 8-10 hours.So clinics finishing 6000 grafts in 4-5 hours should be doubted for.

The other way is to charge per hair and not grafts.A graft may have on average 2-2.5 hairs.So clinic telling you 6000 grafts actually means 3000 grafts or 6000 hairs.Its common in India to charge like that.Clinics like DHI and other famous clinics charge like that.

In case your surgery is already done and you want to know the number of grafts transplanted then take the picture of transplanted area and count the number of brown dots on the recipient area.Their number should be approximately equal to the number of grafts transplanted.More then 10% variation should be questioned.

At the end most of the people don’t know how actual 3000 or 4000 grafts result look like.So do good research,visit clinics,don’t get tempted by discounts and meet the doctor and ensure he does your surgery.

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