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Have a query regarding hair transplant or Alvi Armani hair transplant.send mail to with your name and phone number and I will reply you back

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How many grafts I need……..

How many grafts I need……..

This is the most common question I hear from my patients now a days. If I say 3500 grafts the next question is the clinic A has said me 2000, clinic D has said me 3000 hairs(1500 grafts) and clinic C has said me 2500.Why there is so much variation? […]

Hair Transplant in India

Hair Transplant in India

 Hair has become an important part in a normal Indian male and female. As every Indian want to look fair similarly every Indian want to have beautiful thick hair. This shows from the way that Indian hair oil industry is a multibillion dollar industry. Medically whatever we can say but […]

Cell Compositions and Methods for Hair Follicle Generation

Cell Compositions and Methods for Hair Follicle Generation

On April 8 2011, Alvi Armani filed for US patent on Hair Multiplication& Regeneration.Where people are talking about it nowadays and calling it new technology , Alvi Armani has already done research in 2011. Below is the brief description about the Patent :  The application describes a method of generating a hair follicle, comprising administering a […]


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